Preparing your house for Non-Asbestos Popcorn removal

This project is a very labor-intensive process we have made this page so that you will have a realistic expectation of what is expected from you and what the process will be.

Preparing your house for non-asbestos popcorn celiling removal

Due to the nature of popcorn ceilings, the process is very dirty and labor-intensive.

The rooms where the work will be done need to be empty of the following

We will remove light fixtures, heating registers, fire alarms, and closet doors and tracks if needed and we will reinstall them, we recomend getting new heating registers.

Make sure that the water, power, and heater are working at the house and will not be interrupted during the time we are there

Unless previously discussed with us, NO OTHER CONTRACTORS, WORKERS OR PEOPLE SHOULD ENTER THE WORK SITE DURING THE PROCESS. This process is dirty so no one should be entering when work is going on

What to expect from start to finish

We Look forward to providing you with the best possible ceilings and customer service!