San Rafael Popcorn Ceiling Removal

Why San Rafael Residents are Removing Popcorn Ceiling

San Rafael is a beautiful city with lots of character, but many of the homes are older and in need of being updated. Acoustical Drywall Services has been working in San Rafael for over 30 years. Because of the age of many homes, it is important for you to be certain there is no asbestos in your ceilings. See how our popcorn ceiling removal process works.

How Acoustical Drywall Does it:

Acoustical Drywall Services uses a tried and true 10-step process for popcorn ceiling removal in San Rafael, CA:

  1. Assess each job separately
  2. Build a proper containment to protect customer’s house
  3. Remove all non-asbestos material
  4. Bag all material for clean work environment
  5. Inspect, repair and replace all damaged tape seams as needed
  6. Recoat all tape seams to bring it to a 3- or 4-coat system depending on conditions
  7. Texture ceilings complete to desired finish
  8. Prime and paint with Sherwin-Williams ceiling  paint
  9. Finish with a roller for a quality finish
  10. Caulk all corners, remove debris and vacuum

What Our San Rafael Customers Have to Say

Popcorn Gone!

Over 30 years ago we bought our house. It was new, built with all the latest and greates features available, and that included the 1980’s popcorn ceiling. About 10 years into it, I began to tire of the popcorn ceiling.

In the fall of 2016, I went online and found Acoustical Drywall and sent in for an estimate. I got a call back, and three weeks later the nasty popcorn was gone. I totally recommend this company.

Sarah A.
San Rafael, CA


I was happy with the job Acoustical Drywall Services did. They were easy to schedule and they have no room for improvement.

Christina H.
San Rafael, CA